Mrs. Sherburn Thiele
674 Foxdale Ave.
Winnetka, Illinois, U.S.A.
Dec. 6, 52
Dear Mr. Drake;
As a member of the Woman's Society
of Christian Service, North Shore Methodist Church, Glencoe, I had the
pleasure of hearing your letter read by Mrs. Harry Thorsen of Winnetka.
I was deeply moved by what you told of Manassas Manor. The Woman's
Society seemed to feel as I did, for they passed a plate for a free
will offering, and when collected, it amounted to eighty dollars. A
committee of three women was asked to buy warm clothes for the orphans.
Myself as one of the committee. Using the eighty dollars to the best
of our ability, we purchased clothing (second hand) and filled four
4 boxes. We shipped them today to you Nov. 13th and sincerely
hope that you will be able to use all we have sent. Please let us know
if you do not receive them, for we have them insured. We still have
a few dollars left and will try to ship toys a little later, or do you
have anything else in mind?
My best regards to you and may God
bless you.
Dora L. Thiele