During the Korean War the American Armed Forces
saved the lives of thousands upon thousands of Korean children. Besides
the physical intervention of a single GI (all branches of service,
men and women) to rescue a child as portrayed in the first article
below the GIs often rescued hundreds of children at one time in various
rescue operations such as the Kiddy Car Airlift organized by the 5th
Air Force where almost a thousand children were saved (place a link
here) or the rescue of over 200 children by the US Marines in the
Kanung operation (place a link here).
When orphanage administrators report that upwards
of 90% of all their aid comes from the American servicemen and that
the children would have died without this help we must recognize that
the donation of over two million dollars for orphanage aid by GIs
during the war years from a pay usually less than one hundred dollars
a month also helped save the lives of thousands of children.
The stories posted below and on other pages are
those that were recorded somewhere and which we were able to locate.
Daily, though, we are hearing about particular units who rescued 14
children hiding in a ditch near the Chosin Reservoir or a GI who goes
out of his way to locate abandoned or lost children and get them to
an orphanage. I am sure these stories, never before put in print,
would account for many more thousands of children whose lives were
saved by the US forces. We will add them to the collection as we find
To get an idea of the social, physical and cultural
context within which the American GIs were operating in their attempts
to rescue the children we present a page of photographs illustrating
the situation faced by the civilian population of Korea during the
war years.
Photos of
Korean War Refugees |
Please be aware that some of the material that
could have been placed here is posted in other categories. To bring
up a document click on the "Read" button. Here are some
of the stories. On a separate page we post photographs.
Saving Lives |
Sergeant Carries
Baby to Safety |
Army Nurse Helps Send Korean
Waif Back to Recovery |
The Little Boy Who Wouldn't
Smile |
Chocoletto: A Korean War Orphan
Joins the Marines |
The GI and the Kids of Korea |
Voice from Korea:Won't You
Help Us Off Our Knees? |
A Haven Hidden in the Hurting
City |
Record of Medical Forces in
Korea Held Unexcelled |
More Help Needed by Korea Orphans |
Korean Children Saved From
Cave Get Help |
Korean Children in Need |
The GIs Give a Hand to the
Koreans |
The Sergeant Didn't Go Home |
Korea Waif Gives Yanks Brief
Relief |
18th Wing Pilots Aid Waifs |
Korean Waif Captures Heart
of 25th Div.Engr |
Yank Pities Orphan, Knows Hungry
Look |
Yanks Befriend Korean Orphan |
Redlegs Adopt Korean Pin-up |
Crying Korean Gets New Home |
2 Tots Become Youngest PWs |
War Orphans: Fighters Pause
to aid the Helpless |
Korean Orphan Adopted by GIs |
Isle of Hope, Tiny Kims of
Korea Find a Refuge |
War is Hell…Even To Little
Korean Lad |
Korean Waifs aided By Navy |
Clark AB Men Adopt Orphans |
Tots Respond To Love, Care |
Korean Mother, Child United |
All So Small |
24th Division Gives Emergency
Care |
Orphans Face Suffering |
Army Units Continue to Clear
Pusan |
Waifs in War's Backwash |
Charity of US Troops Fantastic |
Seoul shows Calloused
Attitude In Child's Plight |
Little Seoul Girl Covered With
Maggots Found Dead |
Lad's Woes Near End - Part
1 |
Christian Children's Fund Assists
Tots |
US Soldiers Give away Fortunes
to Charities |
1st Marines Lead Dimes Drive
List |
Platter show spins $8000 Into
Amputee Fund |
Seabees Contribute $50 to I-Corps
Amputee Fund |
Tankers give $1,561 For Korean
Amputees |
I Corps Amputee Fund Nets
$75,872.89 for Children |
Far East Footnotes-1 |
Far East Footnotes-2 |
MPs Feed Starved Kids |
3,000 Refugees Move to Tents |
Tank Unit’s Donation
Amazes Chaplain |
Foundling Given Loving Attention |
She’ll Live To Tell How
AF Winked at the Book |
Sergeant Saves Korean Child
from Red Fate |
Korea Lad Given Aid |
Solon Tells House Members How
Yank Fighters Assist Kids |
Sam Sung Orphans, Christmas
Heartbreaking Sight In Seoul |
2 Frontline Infantrymen Become
‘Mothers’ For Day |
‘Hardbitten’ GIs
Take In Homeless Lad |
Korean Waif Captures Heart
Of Puzzled 25th Div. Engineer |
Airmen Care For Korean Lad |
Children Show War's Cost |
Mess Treats Hungry Waifs |
Sergeant, Wife To Rear Waif |
Yanks In Korea Give $13 Million
In Aid |
I Corps Men Contributed Almost
$360,000 |
"Vagabond' Aids I Corps
Fund |
Stateside checks Up I-corps
fund |