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New York Times, Date Unknown

Korean Children in Need

Dr. Howard A. Rusk, chairman of the American-Korean Foundation, told of the tremendous sacrifices made by the people of South Korea in the recent war there. With a population of 22,000,000 in an area the size of Pennsylvania, he said, that country lost more people in the recent war than the United States did in its last three wars combined.

Dr. Rusk, who is associate editor of The New York Times, said there were 100,000 orphans in South Korea, that many diseases were prevalent and that cold and hunger were widespread. He described how United States soldiers had given their own money and time to help Korean children.

Referring to the Korean conflict as "the war we didn't win," Dr. Rusk asserted that the humanitarian efforts exemplified by our troops there might show that "at long last we have a chance to win the peace."

The way our country treats old people, crippled children and handicapped persons, Dr. Rusk declared, "mirrors to the rest of the world what our democracy really stands for." He added that this constituted a language that transcended barriers of race and religion and provided an example of "how to live together in a peaceful world."




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