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Pacific Stars and Stripes, February 1951

'War Is Hell'-Even To Little Korean Lad

By SFC Fred W. Baars
S&S Korea Bureau

With 1st Cav Div In Korea- Little Park Sukk Ung, 11, was playing soldier in his native village of Kyungbowokmoonkung, as small boys always do.

But Park had the real McCoy-a live hand grenade.

Fascinated, he fondled it admiringly and, inevitably, pulled the pin.

The deafening explosion brought Park's mother running to the scene where she found the boy miraculously alive, but with his right arm a bleeding, mangled horror.

Korean doctors had long since left the area, and the frantic mother rushed the child to Rev. Pack Myng-See, pastor of the little native Christian church in the village. The pastor appealed to an American chaplain, Maj. David E. Weaver, Louisville, Ky., 5th Cavalry Regiment, then in the area. The chaplain promptly took the little casualty to the aid station.

Tenderly and patiently, Capt. J. C. Crutcher, Durham, N.C., Sgt. Joseph Killian, Maiden, N.C., and Sgt. Clarence Shamley, Centralia, Wash., of the 5th Cavalry Regiment, worked over the shattered arm as the little boy smiled bravely at them through the tears which he tried to so hard to hold back.

It was hopeless. The arm had to be amputated and there were no proper facilities for such surgery at the aid station.

The arm was dressed, penicillin was administered, and Pack was prepared for evacuation. As if by magic, genuinely distressed GIs produced a donation of many thousand whan. A tough MP, wearing a gentle expression, flagged down a Taegu-bound Army truck, placed the mother and child aboard and gave the driver strict orders to deliver them to a hospital.

The truck roared away.

War is hell.


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