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Stars and Stripes, Nov. 26, 1954



They hadn't been as happy in a long time.


Anonymous Gift Of Radio Prize Thrills Orphans


OSAN, Korea (5thAF)-A little thing like a radio brought smiles and chuckles to the children at the Columbia Orphanage here.  They hadn't been as happy in a long time and it was all brought about by an anonymous contest winner who donated his prize, a Philco radio, to the youngsters. 

The radio was given to the winner of a contest to rename the base paper of the 67th Tactical Recon. Wg.  A chaplain of the 67th, Chaplain (1st Lt.) John J. Bradley, Philadelphia, was chosen to present the radio to the institution which has been supported for the past year through wing church donation and AFAK.  It houses 330 children.



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