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Hollywood, Calif.

Knowing the Homeless Korean Orphans are in desperate need of clothing, Mrs. Leonard Eaton, 4415 So. Van Ness Ave., Los Angeles, spends all of her time knitting woolen sweaters for the homeless children.  Here Mrs. Eaton is shown knitting her Six Hundredth (600) woolen sweater for the Orphans.


July 11, 1958


For Orphans' Warmth


KNITTING AWAY, Mrs. Leonard Eaton sits amid the latest group of sweaters she made for Korean orphans.  She recently completed her 600th sweater for the Korean children.  Mrs. Eaton, 4415 S. Van Ness Ave., Los Angeles, has been knitting sweaters for three years.  She sends her sweaters to Seoul Area Command chaplains in bundles of 70 and 80 with the request that they distribute them to the needy children of all faiths.  Mrs. Eaton's latest project is to supply sweaters for the 40 children who will be housed in Seoul's new House of Hope Orphanage.  The sweaters are expected to arrive in Korea in late September, a month before the opening of the building. 

(USA Photo)


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