Stars and Stripes, November
10, 1954
By Sgt. Robert L. Brown
SEOUL (S&S)-A North Korean orphan discovered
shivering in a downtown Seoul back alley has found a bunch of MPs to
be the softest guys in the world. Ten year old Kim Pong Sung has become
the sweetheart of the 135 men of C Co. 728th MP Bn. And
she's the most important person in the company one day a week.
PFC Richard S. Dimmette, 24, and PFC Thomas R. O'Malley,
21, discovered the girl about 2:00 a.m. in an alley back of the downtown
Seoul PX. She was cold and hungry and wearing nothing but filthy rags.
The MPs bought her some Korean food and she spent the night sleeping
in the back of their jeep as they made their rounds.
From there, it's a story of a bunch of hardboiled
MPs adopting the undernourished North Korean orphan. She told interpreters
that her parents were dead and that another woman had brought her to
Seoul during the war, but had since abandoned her. The MPs bought her
new clothes, but with typical over generosity, let her get sick on too
much ice cream, hamburger and spaghetti-the three foods which have since
become her favorites.
Admitted to the Kong Seang Girls Home, Susie becomes
queen of C Co. every Sunday when the MPs pick her up to spend the day
with them. With the 728th, Sunday is a day when hard-boiled
MPs go soft.