Stars & Stripes, March
10, 1956
Farmer to Seek 500 More ROK Orphans
CRESWELL, Ore. (UP)-Harry
Holt, the Creswell farmer who last year brought 12 Korean War orphans
to the U.S. and adopted eight of them himself, is going back for 500
more. Holt said he hoped to get American couples to
adopt the children. Working with
Holt is a religious organization which maintains orphanages in Korea. It was the organization
which helped Holt cut through red tape to bring the 12 children to the
U.S. last year.
Holt has less than 10
months to complete his rescue operation.
The Refugee Relief Act under which the orphans may enter the
U.S. expires at the end of the year. Holt said he will leave for his second trip
to Korea in May, "maybe sooner."