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Christian Children's Fund Files. CCF-008

Home Name:        Nokpo Children’s Home

Project Number:   1620

Country:              Korea

 1.  Home History:

October 9, 1947:   Founded by Mrs. Choi Chen Yui, the first
Superintendent at 9 1ka, Kyungdon, Nokpo

February 8, 1949:  Elected a board of directors, and Mrs. Choi Chan Yui became first chairman of the board.

 July 6, 1950: Fled south to a refuge at Chin-hae during the Korean War.

 April 1, 1952     Changed the name into Nokpo Children’s Home
and approved by the Government

 April 15, 1952    Approved as a social welfare organization

 April 20, 1952    Affiliated with C.C.F.

 September 1, 1957: Moved to the present address

 2.  Activities:   Children’s Welfare

 3.  Purpose:    Welfare and education for the homeless children

 4.  Facilities available at present: [ca. 1970]

       57    Children’s accommodation rooms

        3     Dining rooms

        1     Clinic

        3     Bathrooms

        2     Playgrounds of about 3, 135 sq. meters

       11    Rooms for pickle storage

          1   library

          3   Storehouses

       26    Toilets

          1   House for chapel

          5   Flower Gardens of about 783 sq. meters

          7   Swings

          4   see-saws

          1   Revolving swing

          4   Houses for silk-raising

         About 33,000 sq. meters mulberry field and so on.




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