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11th February 1951

Dr. J. Calvitt Clarke,
Christian Children’s Fund Inc.,
Richmond, VA., U.S.A.

Dear Dr. Clarke,

      Further to my letter of the 5th instant, I have pursued all possible channels in an effort to secure transportation to Korea but to-date without success.

      On Tuesday morning I saw Dr. W. C. Kerr in the Religious Advisor and liaison between we civies and SCAP G.H.Q. in the hope that he would be in a position to help me in Korea.  But he informed me that he could do nothing as all operations in Korea are now under the UN Command and not the U.S. Occupational Forces in Japan.  He suggested that I see Col. Benson which I did and here again I was told that he could do nothing to help me unless I had “travel orders.”

      Thinking it might be possible to work it from another angle, I went to see Miss Strahler, the Chief Executive in Japan for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.  After a short interview with her I found she too had no way of helping me.  She said that they were like a lot of other organizations too for they have no representative in Korea to care for their interests either.  She said, as far as she knew all relief was being administered by the UN through the Korean Government who are advised and supervised by UN Army and other technical personnel.

      The same morning I met Dr. Darley Downs, Executive Secretary for the Interboard Committee in Japan.  Through him I learned that Col. J. C. W. Linsley, Chief Chaplain, Far East Air Force was personally interested in the Korean orphans.  Thinking I might strike a deal that afternoon I went to see the Chaplain, It was here that I learned that it was the boys of the Fifth Air Force who evacuated the 900 orphans from Seoul over the Cheju Island.  However, all these youngsters were picked up off the streets of Seoul and no orphanage as a group were evacuated by the Air Force.

      The Chaplain told me that this errand of mercy has drawn a great deal of criticism from many quarters.  He said even in the Army there is a great deal of jealousy and if one unit gets more publicity than another there is always trouble.  But with this it even went back to Washington and the Chief of Chaplains had to fly out two weeks ago to Japan and Korea and straighten things out.  Informing the boys that their duty is the affairs of the Army, these other matters will be cared for by personnel assigned to do the job.  So regardless of Col. Linsley’s personal sympathy for the Orphans he could do nothing to help me get to Korea.

      The same evening I heard that Chaplain Wm. Shaw had just returned from Korea on a weeks leave.  Dr. Shaw is a Methodist Missionary and he was the Pastor of the Seoul Union Church.  I have preached for him on two occasions.  He is now a Chaplain with the Eighth Army.  The following morning I went to see him and explained how anxious we are to contact our homes in Korea and to take on another 500 adoptions.  He said, “Mills, we simply must get you to Korea, those poor orphan kids are just like a bunch of little chicks without a mother to look after them.”  He picked up the telephone and called Col. Linsley and put all the pressure on that he could, but the Colonel could do nothing about it other than suggested that we go see Chaplain Ivan L. Bennett, Chief of Chaplains for the Eighth Army, thinking that welfare coming under the Army he might be able to do something about it.  Chaplain Shaw called Col. Bennett and made an appointment for us to see him at 3.00 p.m.

      At the appointed time we marched into Chaplain Bennett’s office like good soldiers, Shaw leading the way.  The Colonel received us in a most friendly fashion.  Knowing that he had traveled with Dr. Poling last summer and had his picture taken with the orphans in Formosa.  I immediately told him that both Dr. Clarke and Dr. Poling are much concerned about the orphans in Korea and that we are in a position to do something about it if we can only get there and see what the score is.

      Just mentioning Dr. Polings name caused his face to light up and he said, “There is one fine man.”  He thinks a great deal of the Doctor.”  He continued by saying, “you don’t need to tell me anything about your work, I know all about it and I’m ready to help you within my power but we all have to abide by regulations,” at this point he pulled out a file and said “this is a general letter which has been sent from Washington regarding relief work in Korea.”  After reading it to us he said, “just yesterday I sent a copy of this to Dr. Poling.  The letter outlines UN policy for relief in Korea which cuts out all volunteer relief organizations or such institutions appropriated by an Organization such as our own.”

      I asked the Colonel if the UN letter was confidential and he said no.  I feel sure if you write to Dr. Poling regarding this information he will send you a copy.  Which explains their position and makes it impossible for them to grant any entries unless they are sanctioned by the UN.  There is no doubt about it after reading this letter you will see that the UN assumes full responsibility for relief in Korea.  All other private agencies, societies, etc., and contributions in money or kind must all be channeled through the UN sources.  The Colonel said even the contributions from the G.I.’s have to be forwarded this way too.

      As the conversation continued Col. Bennett suggested that as far as Christian Children’s Fund is concerned we should stock pile.  He explained that anything we could do now would loose its identity but the day is coming when the UN effort is going to stop, it is then that funds will be needed more than even now.  He said that he is encouraging all Mission Boards to do the same.

      Later on he said there is only one authority higher that might be able to do something about it and he is General Sams.  So very graciously Colonel Bennett called him on the telephone and made an appointment for me for three thirty the following afternoon.  I was there on the dot, with my hair slicked back and ready for the fray.  But to my utter surprise, the General left his desk and bade me take an easy chair.  His fashion was most warm and friendly.  I opened the conversation by saying General, everything I have to say can be said in two to three minutes, then if you are interested we can discuss it further, if not I will not waste your time.  He replied, the relief of orphans is an important matter, do not worry about the time.  In all he gave me 45 minutes which I considered was most gracious of him when he is so busy.

      As briefly as possible I explained the work which Christian Children’s Fund is doing throughout the Far East.  He said, I thought the name of your organization was China’s Children Fund.  I said it was sir, but for diplomatic reason it has been changed.  He laughed, and said I know all about your work, some two years ago you met with my Senior Welfare Officer for Japan and he told me what your organization is doing in Japan and I have received like report from my Senior Welfare Officer in Korea, Marc Sherbacker.  You will remember you heard Sherbacker’s voice on the record which I made in Seoul.  He mentioned that C.C.F. came into Korea at a most crucial time and through our timely assistance we had taken many hundreds of orphan children of the streets and provided them homes.

      The General went over the same material with me as Chaplain Bennett did and said there was nothing he could do but abide by regulations, unless I would be willing to go in under the UN and by doing so I could not represent any given organization or be asided to a designated job.  I would be sent where ever the field command thought my services were necessary.  Even then he said, it would all have to be done through:

                        Department of State,
                        Advisory Committee on Volunteer Foreign Aid,
                        Mr. Arthur C. Ringland, Executive Director,
                        Washington 25, D. C.

      General Sams explained, that these regulations were not put out by General MacArthur’s Headquarters but were forwarded to General MacArthur from the overall UN Command.  In  passing he mentioned that the Catholic Cardinal in New York had written a scathing letter to General MacArthur in which he accused the General of keeping the Church out of Korea.

      I asked the General two specific questions:  1st - is the UN assuming full responsibility for relief in Korea and is the Army handling it?  He replied, “Yes, it is channeled through us and administered by the Korean Government under our supervision.  2nd  - is it right to say then that you are going to take care of all these orphan children in Korea?  He said, “That is our job to house them, clothe them and to provide them with food.” But as he continued he said, “But we will not have an over-all program for their future such as Christian Children’s Fund provides.”

      From this point he continued by suggesting more or less the same idea that Colonel Bennett mentioned.  That we should save whatever resources we have for future rehabilitations.  He said that securing food at present does not present too large a problem, because the drive north last fall was so timed that the peasants could go back in and harvest their crop – which was a bumper crop.  But this coming year is going to be different as they have not been able to plant their winter barley and there is the possibility that they will not be able to plant their rice this spring.  So the food problem toward the latter part of the year is going to be a matter of grave concern.

      Before leaving he said, a year or so ago an elderly couple came to see me that was supposed to be running some organization for orphan children and wanted to know what I thought they could do to help in Japan.  I replied would it be Dr. & Mrs. Saunders?  He said yes, what are they doing and where are they we haven’t heard anything about them since they left.  I answered by saying, I think they are in California but I am not acquainted with anything they might be doing in Japan.  At this juncture, I told the General beside the homes we are now supporting during the next month we would be taking on the support of another 500 orphans.  I then thanked him for the time he had given me and in saying good-bye he promised to do anything within his power to help us.

      Then yesterday morning I again saw Chaplain Shaw and told him the gist of my conversation with General Sams.  Explaining that conditions were such that unless I’m prepared to put on the uniform my chances for getting to Korea are nil.  Moreover, should I join the UN team it would not be certain that I could do the job that I would like to in caring for the Children as I would be subject to field command and they would send me where they considered my services were most needed.

      Without hesitation Chaplain Shaw offered to act as a Liaison for us and will handle any funds that we deem necessary for the homes in Korea.  He will provide us with a financial statement as to disbursements.  It so happens that he is an accountant.  Forwarding funds through Chaplain Shaw is much to our advantage as through the Army he is able to get W 4,000 for each US $1.00 while funds sent through Dr. Underwood and changed through the bank only bring W 2,500.  I’m wondering if you have ever received word from Dr. Underwood that the funds we sent to him through his bank in New York were paid to the orphanages for last year.

      Chaplain Shaw told me that he was very sick three weeks ago and that they never expected him to pull through and the three sons were at his bedside having secured leave because of his critical condition.  But according to Dr. Shaw he is now much better.

      Chaplain Shaw will be returning to Korea on Tuesday and if possible he is going to set up a Committee of three to care for C.C.F. interests.  I am giving him $2,000.00 to take back with him to be given to the homes only in cases of special need seeing they will be receiving help from the UN.  But whatever he gives it is not to exceed the following:

      Dr. Oh’s home 92 @ $2.00            $184.00     per month
      Salvation Army 202 @ $2.00          404.00     per month
      Hill’s Boys Home 25 @ 6.00          150.00     per month
      Underwood Memorial 30 @ 3.00     90.00    per month
      Taejon Babies Fold 26 children was not to exceed $1,260.00 yearly grant.

      All funds were to be given according to the number of children being supported by Dr. Oh only has twenty boys then the allowance would be accordingly.

      Over and above this I told Chaplain Shaw that we are prepared to take on another 500 orphans at the same rate if he can provide us with the case histories and picture of the child.  He shook his head and said I can get the children but I doubt very much if I can secure the pictures, at a time like this they simply do not have any film.  And as far as writing up case histories I simply haven’t the time.  So I told him if he could get hold of a Korean capable of doing the work to hire him and we would go good for his salary.

      The idea of our setting funds aside for the time being preparation for rehabilitation needs meets with Dr. Shaw's approval 100%.  However I explained to him in order to raise this money and in order to retain the interest of the sponsors we have to have publicity material and pictures.  He promised to what he could to help us.

      One very interesting thing that Dr. Shaw told me which impressed me very much is the fact, at the front while holding services with the boys, they always give them the opportunity to bring their offerings along with their worship and for several weeks he as told them that the offering given is being used for the orphans and he said it has been amazing the boys have been giving on an average of 60 cents each per week.  He said, “The G.I.'s simply love these little kids and they will do anything to help them.”

      Besides working on these appointments last week in between times I was also able to visit nine other orphanages in Tokyo, Yokohama and Kamakura.  I shall not go into detail in this letter but will wait until I have visited all the homes and then will write about each one individually that we choose to help, to make up the 500 new adoptions.  So far I have only found two and three G.I. babies in these homes and they are special cases.  Mr. Giga of the Airindan Orphanage who is traveling with me as my interpreter, says none of the homes want to take in these babies because of the stigma attached to them.  Moreover, many of the mothers are too ashamed to take them to any home and because of this the majority of these little ones are being done away with at birth.

      I have heard that there is a home just opened here in Tokyo especially for these innocent little victims, and if there is such a home I certainly will contact them.  In Yokohama the Catholics have a very large institution with several hundred little G.I.'s.  I’m sure that should we open such an institution we could take in equally as many but it would cost us between six and eight dollars per month beside the initial expenses and buildings.

      This coming week I hope to get to Northern Japan and visit some large homes in Sendai, Yamagata, Akita and Kanazawa.  I understand these homes have as many as ninety and one hundred children.  Such numbers are unusual in Japan, the homes here average around forty children.  But I want to choose larger homes so that it will not make a lot of additional work for Mrs. Clarke at Christmas time.

      If we cannot get adoptions in Korea would you consider taking on 1,000 in Japan please cable me your reply so that I can make arrangements accordingly.  I hope the New Constitution and Power of Attorney is forth coming before too long, as I would like to register our Organization with the Japanese Government too and also organize an Advisory Committee in the National Christian Council to be responsible for Christian Children’s Fund interests.  But in order to do this I will have to have the above mentioned material in had so that everything can be done according to legal procedure.

      We are having two thousand No. 2 forms printed and they will be ready Tuesday and we will get the Superintendents working on them right away so the first new adoptions should be coming through very shortly.

      The enclosed is the second addition to my report on Lebanon and India.  I apologize sending this through in piece meal something like a “Saturday Serial,” but pressure of work has been such that I simply could not do anything else, but I do hope to have the India portion finished this coming week which I will send along complete with pictures.

      With best regards to all, especially Mrs. Clarke and your good self.

                                                Sincerely yours,
                                                      V. J. R. Mills



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