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Christian Children's Fund file


Home Name       :  Orphan’s Home of Korea

Project Number  :  1640

Country        :  Korea

1.  History

a.  In October 1950 this Home was founded as Seoul Special City Orphanage having accommodated nearly 900 orphans having been made by the Korean War.

b.  In December 1950, this Home transported 907 war orphans to Cheju Island by air through the good offices of Col. Dean E. Hess with Chaplain Blaisdell of the 5th Air Force and Korean Government as a result of the communist invasion.

c.  In November 1951 this Home had 363 among the orphans become members of the Christian Children’s Fund, Inc.

d.  On July 28, this Home got the authorization to set up this foundation as No. 114 of D. H. S. from the Ministry of Health and Society.

e.  Establishing the main orphanage at #6 of Mountain in Hwkyung-Dong, Dongdaemoon-Ku, Seoul, Special City, this Home began to transport a part of the orphans from Cheju Island to Seoul.

f.  In April 1956, 35 orphans went to the United States of America to join in taking a moving picture, “Battle Hymn” by U. I .P. L. A. in U.S.A.

g.  In April 1958, 40 orphans had been to Hong Kong as a mission of friendship by inviting of C.C.F. Children’s Garden in Hong Kong.

4.  The Orphan’s Living

     All the orphans get up at 6 a.m. having breakfast after cleaning.  All the school attendances of them go to school, and the seniors of them attend the workshop of the Korean Woolen spinning and weaving factory to crochet and mend stuff produced by the factory, one of the three biggest spinning and weaving factories in Korea.  The seniors save their individual interest shared from it to make up a self-reliance fund preparing a happy living in hope for themselves in the future.

     All the children go to bed after worship in the evening.  This Home have them show their individual skill through the games of classes at all seasons, an art festival, a composition contest, a piano contest and a drawing contest.  This Home has the orphans bring up a faith of living for them by having them attend a summer Bible school.  All the teachers live together with these orphans to sweep their inferior consciousness away, and encourage them for their emotional education.

5.  The Characteristics

     Since this Home was founded, it has been carried on by a single directress, and many orphans grow up to be members of society, soldier, nurse and teacher, and engineer who can work enough in this society.  At the time of the Korean War, 907 war orphans had ever been transported to Cheju Island by air to take refuge at the critical moment, so U. I. P., and American film producing company took a moving picture, “Battle Hymn” using the above described theme, and it has even been put on in our country and foreign countries.  This Home has been trying to let the retired orphans get their occupation, and simultaneously when they marry, this Home let them do in a Korean style to encourage them in making their sweet home positively.

6.  The Others

     This Home has been recognized as a model institution many times by the government, because since this Home began the nurture and protective work of the obscure orphans in the present directress’ philanthropic spirit 20 years ago, this work has been being supported well by several sponsors, and positive assistance, through CCF, too.  And the present directress that has received the commendation of her great service and the national prize of the revolution of May 16th, having devoted herself to our educational work to found Hwy Kyung Girls’ Junior High School, will continue and develop her nature and protective work of the orphans more than now in the future.

 *Note more information follows into the 1960’s. Refer toCCF-107a-16-NOV-01 (107).jpg

 CCF-107a-Orphan's Home of Korea.doc




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