# CCF-109
Home Name
: Myung San Children’s Home
Project Number : 1630
: Korea
Summary History
1. Mrs. Hwang Sook
Ja, a pastor’s wife then, was surprised to find so many orphans
wandering about in the villages, who were left orphans through
Korean War and rebellion we have had. They had been helped
by K.C.W.S. several times through the appeals made by her.
2. Feb. 1959: Bought four buildings in Nae San-Ri,
Sangdon-Myung. An orphanage named Myung San Chidlren’s
Home was established with 106 unhappy children accommodated.
3. May 1959: Entered in the register of K. C. W.
*Note more information follows after in 1960’s era.
Please refer to: CCF-109-16-NOV-01 (109).jpg