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Christian Children's Fund

file # CCF-115bx.         

 Home Name       :  Sung U Ae Yook Won (Orphanage)

Project Number :  1780

Country             :  Korea

            This Home was established in September, 1945, soon after the ceasefire of the World War II, and it was authorized by the Korean government on March 20, 1946.

            June, 1950, at the beginning of the Korean War, the children of Chang-yung orphanage took refuge to Milyang and they were taken in this Home.  At that time, this Home was jammed with the children.  Fortunately, Milyang was safe from the destruction of the war.

            March, 1952, this Home was affiliated with Christian Children’s Fund, Inc.  We hope that all the Homes can support themselves without any help from others, but it is unable to do so.  Considering the social welfare work in history, no orphanage could stand on its own legs.  CCF help has been absolutely bigger than the help of our own government.  We can only low our heads for the help from CCF.

            February 15, 1953, The Reverend Verent J. Mills, CCF Executive Director came to visit this Home.  At that time, he was the Director to CCF Oversea Headquarter in Hong Kong.  He admired and praised this Home so much.

            January, 1955, the two-story building was built.  The upstairs is the chapel and the downstairs has 5 rooms for the girls.

            October 30, 1955, this Home was awarded a letter of Commendation from the Minister of Health and Social Affairs of Korea.

            October 16, 1956, a new dormitory made of bricks was completed.  The completion of the building was splendidly celebrated by the Governor of Kyongsang Namdo Province and many other honorable guests.

(Other information follows after this date.  Reference #CCF-115-16-Nov-01 (15).jpg)



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