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Christian Children's Fund

file # CCF-118 Home Name     :  Yu Rin Children's Home
Project Number :  1855
Country           :  Korea

 1.  History:

            The institute was founded with a view to performing a social work at Kaesung City on May 5, 1937, and permitted to be established as a foundational judicial institute on December 28, 1938.
            The institute managed various type of social institutions such as Children's Home, Asylum for the aged, Free of Charge Infirmary, and Elementary Grammar School for the proletarian children, and on the one hand, established a textile factory and actual expense-run barber shop with the object of placing employments for the children accommodated.
            At the time of Korea War (June 25, 1950), all the facilities and installations in the institute had been burnt down to ashes, and took refuge to the South.
            When government return to the former capital, Seoul, the institute resumed the social works with approval of re-registration at 352, Changjun-dong, Mapo-ku, Seoul in 1954.
            The institute established a day nursery for protection of the children whose mother are unable to look after by having a job in a day time due to poor living or other circumstances and obtained permission of Children's Welfare installation on October 14, 1965.
            Yu Rin Children's Home and Yu Rin Day Nursery were moved into the place of San 1-1, Jungneung-dong, Sungbuk-ku, Seoul, Korea on August 2, 1967.

  Number of children in Yu Rin Children's Home:    60 children
  Number of children in Yu Rin Day Nursery:          50 children




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