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126 Taipo Road,

Cable Address:  Chinachild              Kowloon, Hong Kong

27th June, 1951 

Dr. J. Calvitt Clarke, Christian Children’s Fund, Inc.,

108, Third Street, Richmond, Virginia, U. S. A. 

Dear Dr. Clarke, 

            Today I received a letter from Miss Powlas in which she seemed rather disgruntled about our spreading ourselves in Japan and not channeling more through Jiai Mura.  I have written a reply and trust that it will serve as oil on troubled waters but as you know she is the type that never tires of asking and of course Kumamoto is the centre of her considerations. 

            She wrote primarily to inform me that last week the Jiai En Board of Trustees finally got down to work on the Constitution of Jiai Mura.  To ensure that the orphanage will always be used as a Christian Institution they decided to use the same Constitution as Jiai En. And change “said Institution was established by the Lutheran Evangelical Church in Japan” to read “said Institution was established by the Christian Children’s Fund, Inc., Headquarters, Richmond, Virginia.”  She continues by saying to safeguard our rights the Constitution will read “The Board of Trustees shall consist of seven members, two appointed by the Christian Children’s Fund, Inc., two elected by the Japan Lutheran Evangelical Church, two local Christians selected by the retiring Board of Trustees and the Superintendent of the Jiai Mura.” 

            Regarding the preceding I have explained to Miss Powlas that just mentioning in the preamble of the Constitution “said Institution was established by the Christian Children’s Fund, Inc., Headquarters, Richmond, Virginia” does not in any way safeguard our interests when it comes to a legal claim if the Articles of Association are registered under the name of Jiai En Board of Trustees and I suggested that she makes an amendment to the name to read “Christian Children’s Fund, Inc. Jiai En Board of Trustees.”  In this way the property will be registered in our name and as far as the appointing of the seven members for the Board of Trustees is concerned, I think their present suggestion will both guard our interest and theirs too as we realize over and above the funds we have provided they have invested a lot of time and hard labour. 

            She also mentioned the matter of the $3,000 for the Industrial School building and I have reiterated my reply that just as soon as adequate steps have been taken to safeguard the interests and investments of C.C.F. we will be very happy to help further with the buildings but until this is done I think we should refrain from any further investment. 

            She seems to resent the fact that our Japan Advisory Committee is incorporated into the National Christian Council because the Lutheran Evangelical Church is not a member but I have explained to her that C.C.F. is helping 25 different denominations in all and we feel their interests can be best represented through the National Christian Council.  I trust that that which I have written to Miss Powlas meets with your approval. 

            Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter from Mrs. O. S. Whang who is the Superintendent of the Orphans Home in Korea on Cheju Island.  You will remember reading about this home in my report on Korea in which I stated that I refrained from doing anything to help this home for the simple reason that it was tied up with Government red tape until Mrs. Whang could ascertain her own position with the National Assembly and the Seoul City Government we could do nothing about helping her but if the home becomes a private programme then we may be able to consider giving them some help. 

            I believe in my report I mentioned that this home is operated very efficiently and of course Mrs. Whang is a professional social welfare worker with post-graduate work in child welfare.  For this reason the home is operated on a more systematic fashion and the interests of the children considered more than perhaps in any other home in Korea.  The whole matter of course is the financing, with nearly 800 children it would call for an expenditure of around $1,600 per month.  We would have to find out how many children there are over 14 years and subtract that from the total to find out the exact number which we could sponsor. 

            The plan for the proposed project, all the details as to organization, operation, etc. has been completed.  I am only waiting for the building budget and proposed plans of construction which are being submitted by Mr. Braga.  The figures of course, will have to be revised to cost of materials in Korea but knowing what prices are in Korea and comparing them with prevailing prices in Hongkong I would say there will be very little difference.  I have done my best to set it up in as technical a fashion as possible as I expect to take the matter up with General Sams the next time I go to Japan.  I feel if we have a comprehensive programme showing that our administration is such and, that we are able to handle all the needs of Korea’s orphans; through General Sams’ influence we may be able to secure material assistance from the U. N. 


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