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Christian Children's Fund

files # CCF-120

Home Name    :  An Yang Bo Yook Won
Project Number: 1395
Country           :  Korea

1.  History

On the October 17, 1947, it was founded by Mr. Sa Tai Hyun, the Superintendent.  Owing to the Korean War in 1950, there appeared lots of orphans, so that the orphanage was enlarged in its buildings and installation.  One time before the orphanage was able to accommodate three hundred fifty orphans in its Home.
This Home had been suffering from financial hardship.  Since it became affiliated with Christian Children's Fund in July 1954 it has been receiving financial aid.  So, approximately two thousand orphans have kept in this Home until the Spring of 1970.  Those who were bred in this Home went outside into the society and have job now.  There are many who got married already and have babies among them.

2.  Present facilities

This Home possesses a little bit more than twenty thousand square pyongs of land.  In the green woods there are a dormitory for the children, a dispensary, church, dining room, green house, and gymnasium, etc.  There are twenty three Korean style buildings in this Home.  There are all kinds of play equipment in the Home ground and the rose garden and all kinds of flowers in this Home.
At present 108 girls and 105 boys are accommodated at Home.  Then, 10 male staff and 20 female staff are working for the children.  Female staff are nurses and dispensary nurse and mess hall workers and kitchen workers and wash-women.  Male staff are preacher and teachers and clerks and gardener and farm-workers and tailors and mechanics.

3.  Surroundings

They go to school everyday except Sunday and the National Holidays.  This Home is located south at the foot of Mt. Kwan Ak, about twelve miles from Seoul, the capital city.  At the back of this Home, there are mountains and rocks and pine trees, pretty shaped.  There is a clean stream on the rocks and several swimming pools.  In front of this there are highways, from Seoul to Suwon passing through An Yang, and lots of farms, and chestnut wood and strawberry farm.  It takes thirty minutes to go to Seoul from An Yang by train and forty minutes by Bus.  In An Yang city, there are three primary schools and three High schools and three orphanages including our Home.




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