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Christian Children's Fund

file # CCF-122Home Name     :  Bak Ae Won
Project Number:  1415
Country           :  Korea

1.  History:

      I had established our Home at Yung Ju town of Kyung Sang Buk to do as I had desired for a long time since my childhood.

2.  Motive:

            One day of October in 1945, I came out of the gate of the church after the morning service, I saw an orphan of six age shivering with cold.  I could not bring myself to pass by him without taking him to my house.  Our Home was established by this motive. 

3.  Escape from Death:

            When Korean War took place on the 25th of June in 1950, I brought forty eight orphans up.  I was forced to take refuge with forty six children.  Unfortunately two of them were dead on the way to a refuge by machine gun.  I was also captured by the communist.  But my life was saved from shooting to death by escape in the nick of time.

4.  Refuge with the Orphans:

            At the time of U.N. Armed Forces’ withdrawal operation on the 4th of January in 1951, I had taken refuge to Taegu City from Yung Ju town with all the orphans on the 12th of January in 1951.

5.  Plan for Permanent Residence in Taegu.

            Owing to the co-operation of American missionary Rev. Cambell, I had decided to build a love nest for the children at Nai Dang Tong where we are living so far.  Therefore, we had purchased a plot of ground for 1,205 pyong and built a Home of 120 pyong.

6.  Entered for CCF’s Affiliate.

            One day of December in 1951, Dr. Mills and missionary Rev. Cambell had stopped at our Home and they had our Home entered for CCF’s affiliate.  When our property was burnt and lost by the war, Dr. Mills gave us a new courage.




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