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Christian Children's Fund

file # CCF-127

Home Name:  Bethel Won
Project Number:  1425
Country           :  Korea 

1.  History:

            April 5, 1951 Rev. Kim Man Che, the present Chairman of the board of directors, started taking care of Ha Yong Hee aged 6 with the love of Christ.  Then Ha Yong Hee was founded on the bridge of Taejon by Re. Kim Man Che, and later divided into Church work and Welfare work, and named Sin Kwang Won Home, and located 78-7 Indong, Taejon, the present place, on the home of 40 Pyong which was private property.

            As Rev. Kim Man Che wasn't able to look after the children at the Home because of the increase of the families, Kim An Je the present superintendent, was inaugurated as the superintendent, and named Bethel Won Home.

            Until Kim An Je was inaugurated as the superintendent, he had been working for welfare, education and agriculture at Kyungchun-ri, Kyeryong-myon, Kongju-kun, Choongnam-do.  When the Korean War was broken, he went to Pusan along with 20 of the children, and with the help of Department of Health and Society he started preaching the God's words to refugees who took refuge from north part of our country.  He also supplied milk to about 3,000 people, and pitched a tent at Aju-ri.

            The tent church was the beginning of Aju Presbyterian Church.  It has been about 20 years since Kim An Je was inaugurated as the superintendent of the Home after he came back to Taejon from Pusan along with the children he took Pusan when the Korean War was broken.

            At the Home there are 97 children at the present time.  But about 200 children have set their feet into the society from the Home.  Some of them, pastor, some of them doctors, professor, welfare worker, judge, drivers, carpenters, barbers, technicians and typists.

            All of them are living as real good Christians everywhere.  It is very nice that 16 of them have been married and that they enjoy their life so much in each home.  We know it is entirely due to the help of Christian Children's Fund, and all the sponsors.  So we are sincerely grateful to all the sponsors and C.C.F. 

  1. Established April 15, 1950.
  2. The present superintendent was inaugurated April of 1951.
  3. Was affiliated with C.C.F. April 1954.
  4. Was authorized officially as a foundation May 13, 1955.
  5. Was permitted as an institution.




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