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Christian Children's Fund

file # CCF-129

Home Name:       Chung Eup Ae Yook Won
Project Number:  1475
Country:              Korea 

1.  History 

            On February 15, 1946, the minister of Chung Eup Cheil Church, Rev. Choi Sang Sup, Elder Chung Chong Sil and Mr. Kim Yong Keun formed a committee together with Chief Song Soo Heum, Chung Eup Police Chief at the time, and the C.O. of the 44th Btn. Of the U. S. Army, Major M. J. Jand, and the chaplain, Rev. D. A. Arban, set up an orphanage at the So Chun orchare in Sang Ri, Chung Ju Eup. 

            On March 25, 1946 the Chung Eup Ae Yook Won was registered and Elder Chung Chong Sil was installed as the first Director. 

            On September 2, 1949, the orphanage was moved to the former Pae Yung Middle School building, at 198-1 Siki Ri, Chung Ju Eup.

            On September 30, 1952, the orphanage was moved to the present building at 180 Siki Ri, Chung Ju Eup. 

            On March 1, 1954, the orphanage became a member of the Christian Children's Fund. 

            On December 12, 1956, a Juridical Body was formed and Elder Chung Chong Sil was made the first chairman of the Board. 

*more dates into the 1960's time period, please refer to: CCF-129-16-NOV-01 (29).jpg 

2.  The Present Facilities of the Orphanage 

            Chung Eup Ae Yook Won is housed in Korean style buildings in the center of Chung Ju Eup, with a Director, an Executive Secretary, two to direct the activities, 7 children's nurses, looking after 92 boys, 45 girls of who all but 11 are in schools in the vicinity: 67 Primary School, 33 in Middle School and 9 in High School and 17 in Vocational School. 




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