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Christian Children's Fund

file # CCF 130

Home Name:       Myung Jin Children's Home

Project Number:  1625
Country:  Korea 

1.  The History of this Home

             Opening this Home from November 1945 (29 wandering children). 

            Took refuge to Jeju Do during the Korean War from December 1951 to 1953 with 125 children. 

*more date information follows into 1960's time period;
     please refer to:  CCF-130-16-NOV-01 (30).jpg for more details

2.  The present institution of this Home:

             The second floor concrete block building, it has 16 bed rooms, a chapel hall, two baths, two latrines, a dispensary, a office room, a kitchen, two ware(wear)houses and heating system is operated by the oil burning boiler under ground.  In the yard, it has 6 swings and rolling see-saw.

3.  The present environment of this Home:

            This Home is located on the suburb of the capital city Seoul, Korea.  It has a beautiful flower garden in front of the building and it has play ground for the children, too.  The older boys feed dogs in the back yard of the building. 

            The primary and junior high school are not far from Home, it takes 10 minutes on walk. 

            The 11 nurses take care of the children, and a kindergarten teacher has taught teached the kindergarten course every days without the Sunday.




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