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[In early 1952 this document was sent on behalf of  Chuck Stephen to the WMBD (?) staff.]


The war in Korea is a long way off.  We know it’s there because we hear Brooks Watson and Walter Thurman and Bob Holben talk about it.  But it’s all wrapped up in the confusion of the times, and I believe you’ll agree with me that it some times slips back in your consciousness.

However, war - even police action – is hell and it’s particular hell for children…kids who for some strange reason find themselves without parents, food, clothing or play things. These are the kids who find it hard to smile because about all they’ve known are the harsh, rude sounds of men at war.

Now, open your hearts for a moment and read from here on with your souls. 

WMBD’s Chuck Stephen and his company in Korea have adopted 35 Korean War orphans between the ages of 2 and 14.  In a letter to Lorraine he tells about them … how they are living in a cold, windowless shack, without adequate clothing or food.  -  I won’t plague your conscience with all of the details.  Let me quote only this:

“I picked up one little fella who was 2 years old and nothing but skin and bones.  He was old enough to toddle but didn’t have enough strength in his legs to stand up. I had him cradled in my arms and his hip bones stuck right though his flesh, didn’t have any buttocks whatsoever.  He also didn’t have anything on except a light cotton sun suit, so we gave him an all wool coat with a little hood on it and gave them strict instructions to take good care of him.  He was really a pitiful sight, believe me.  He just couldn’t smile back at us cuse the little guy has never had anything to smile at and probably doesn’t know how.  He was trembling most of the time I held him but not from fright I’m sure.  I’m afraid he won’t last out the winter unless we can get to him and get him under our care with decent treatment.  Most of the others I think will survive all right.”

NOW:  Some of us on the staff of the WMBD have children from two to fourteen.  Let’s canvas with the wife and see what can be spared.  Underwear, socks, shoes, shirts, pants, dresses, etc.  Bring ‘em in Monday or Tuesday pressed and mended.  Well, not pressed, maybe, but clean.  Put then on the conference table.  For you folks without kids, how about a cash contribution with which to defray the cost of shipping… what’s over will go to buy other clothes.



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