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326th Communication Reconnaissance Company
APO 301 SF, California
23 Apr 1953

Mr. Edward H. Conrad
Disabled American Veterans Inc.
West Central Minnesota
331 East 19th St.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Dear Mr. Conrad:

Gollies, I wondered for a minute whether or not I'd have room for the letter after trying to get your whole address up there. At any rate, it's there, the letter is started and unfortunately, is almost half done. I am afraid that I do not have the time to reply to your letter to the extent in which you wrote it. I have almost a hundred of these thank you notes to type to people who have sent their "bucks".

Believe me, this aid is truly appreciated. We say "Thank you." The children say, "Ko map sum ni da." Both are expressions of our gratitude for your help.


George F. Drake
Cpl RA 12344689
Corr Secty Orph Comm.



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