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326th Communication Reconnaissance Company
APO 301, SF California
19 May 1953

Mrs. Oscar S. Allen
71 Wyckoff Avenue
Manasquan, New Jersey

Dear Mrs. Allen:

Thank you ever so much for your letter of the 13th of March letting us know of the imminent arrival of a Package for the orphanage. The package subsequently arrived on the 25th of April and was duly noted in our files.

Unfortunately I am just now getting caught up with my backlog of correspondence due to a large amount of aid received from many parts of the United States. During the past six weeks the orphanage committee of this company has sent out over 1,000 letters telling about the orphanage and receipting for packages. During the month of April we received over 150 parcels and over 250 dollars (the money due to a newspaper article in Minneapolis, Minnesota).

The committee wishes to extend their heartfelt gratitude to you and to so many others like you back home that make our project possible.


George F. Drake
Cpl. RA 12344689
Corr Secty Orph Comm.



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