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Pacific Stars and Stripes, July 27, 1951

8th Cav Regiment, ROKs Help Orphans

With U.S. 8th Cav Regt-- The 8th Cavalry Regiment, plus an attached platoon of Republic of Korea soldiers, has gone all out in contributing financial support for orphaned Korean children. The regiment's own men gave a total of $2,203, while the 30-man Korean platoon chipped in with 84,000 won - almost their entire month's pay.

According to regimental Chaplain (Capt.) Wilkinson B. Alsworth of Hattiesburg, Miss., the money was turned over to an orphans' fund started in connection with the 1st Cavalry Division's "operation mascot" project two months ago. Col. Eugene Field, the 8th Cavalry commander, made the formal presentation to Bruce A. Cummings, a civilian chaplain especially assigned to the division. Chaplain Cummings, a long-time missionary in Korea, is a member of the committee handling the fund.

Chaplain Alsworth said more than $8,000 has been collected throughout the division to date for providing care for children made homeless by the Korean War. Many of the youngsters, he said, previously had been "adopted" by units or individual soldiers of the division, but were placed in orphanages in Taegu and elsewhere in Korea as part of "operation mascot." 




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