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Pacific Stars and Stripes, Dec. 16, 1951

6122nd Wing Revisits Korea Orphanage

6122nd AIR BASE WING- Men of the 6122nd Air Base Wing's famous 61st Troop Carrier Group paid a flying visit to the Korean island of Cheju-do Dec. 13, where the 61st airlifted 1000 sick, homeless, hungry little Korean orphans in the latter part of December last year.

The 61st, known as Norwood's Nomads, after their commander, Col. Frank Norwood, Pasadena, Calif., made a timely arrival in the Far East in December 1950, which saw them available immediately for the evacuation of Hungnam.

In the port city of Inchon last December, a thousand sick, cold, homeless, hungry little orphans waited for help, which never came. Under the care of a chaplain who had brought them out of the doomed city, the little refugees had been promised ship transportation by the Korean Navy and they had journeyed to Inchon for the ships which never came in.

Ten huge C-54 Skymasters picked them up and a few hours later, the thousand little orphans were safe at a hastily set up orphanage in an abandoned school on the island of Cheju-do off the southern coast of Korea.

Members of the original crews of the planes that airlifted the orphans nearly a year ago paid a visit to Cheju-do, this time with $3000 donation.

The money will be used for the purchase of food and clothing for the children and to buy necessities for the orphanage.

"We are investigating their needs," said Maj. Paul E. Williams, Akron, Ohio, executive officer of the Nomads. "We plan to make the actual purchases ourselves then turn the goods to the orphanage officials."

The children are now receiving reasonable care. United Nations help has been great and as much attention as possible from the government of Korea has been afforded. The children receive Christian teaching and daily receive instruction in art, handicrafts, and dancing.

The Blackjack Squadron of the 61st alone donated $1500. Spurred by Lt. Col. Andrew E. (Black Mac) McDavid, commanding officer, Phoenix, Ariz., more than $1400 was raised from the auction of a single Christmas card that was painted by the orphans and presented to the Nomads.


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