Pacific Stars and Stripes,
Dec. 22, 1951
SEOUL- A lot of poor, cold, Korean
children are going to have a Merry Christmas this year-thanks to the
efforts of the 352nd Communications Reconnaissance Company and the residents
of a North Carolina city who have all but adopted the Korean youngsters.
What started as a small Christmas party in the mind
of Capt. John J. Hanretty, commanding officer of the 352nd, about two
months ago, has blossomed into a gigantic affair.
Lt. Bill Woestendiek, one of the company officers
and a newspaperman before his recall to active duty, described the plans
for the party and the children in one of a series of weekly columns
he is writing for the Winston-Salem, N.C., Journal.
Almost immediately, the letters and packages began
pouring in to the amazed lieutenant. The unit mail clerk was forced
to make almost hourly trips for several days to handle the flock of
incoming packages.
"And there's no end in sight,"
Woestendiek said as he remained busy opening his packages. As of last
Sunday, the North Carolina officer had received 52 large packages of
clothing. 'And my letters tell me of at least 15 or 20 more on the way,"
he added.
"Some people have sent three,
four, and five packages-jammed with clothes and toys," Woestendiek said,
"and we have hundreds of pounds of clothing for Santa Claus to give
to the many kids in our neighborhood come Christmas morning."