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Pacific Stars and Stripes, January 1951

5th RCT Starts Orphan's Fund

WITH THE 1ST CAV DIV IN KOREA- Battle-hardened veterans of the 5th Cavalry Regiment, who have seen much of the human suffering inflicted upon children in this war-ravaged country, have been quietly raising a fund to be used as a Christmas donation to Korean War orphans.

More than $750 has already been turned over to Chaplain Richard C. Lipsey, Tuscaloosa, Ala., and the total amount is expected to exceed $1000 when donations from all units of the regiment have been received.

Chaplain Lipsey said that after a conference between the men and Catholic and Protestant chaplains serving the regiment, it was decided to turn the fund over to Chaplain George Carol, former missionary in Korea, for equal division between the most needy Catholic and Protestant orphanages in the Seoul area for whatever use the institutions may desire.


Korean Edition, Vol 7 #1


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