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Pacific Stars and Stripes, date

Boston Places Official Bid For Korea Orphan

BOSTON (UP)- Mayor John Hynes Thursday asked the Army to give Boston a new citizen-a 14-year old Korean war orphan.

He asked Army Secretary Frank Pace to grant a request of Sgt. Richard Bernard, 22, who wants to bring home "Button," his combat outfit's mascot. 

Bernard, serving his second tour of combat duty in Korea, wrote the major that the boy was "adopted" by members of Battery C. 937th Field Artillery Battalion, two years ago when his parents were killed by enemy shell fire.

BERNARD DESCRIBED the boy as "handsome and highly intelligent" and said he would bring him to his home which he shares with his five brothers and six sisters. 

Hynes wrote Pace: "The least we can do to show this kindly and brave man that his services to his country are highly regarded back home is to extend ourselves to please him." 

He said, "Furthermore, Buttons looks as if he would make a good citizen for the city of Boston."



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