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Pacific Stars and Stripes, Dec. 15, 1955

Army Life's for Pete, a 'Sergeant' at 10

By Paula Bernstein

WITH THE ROK V CORPS, Korea- For 10-year-old Pete, living with American soldiers six years has just one drawback.

"Sometimes I don't understand Korean." In his own land, Pete actually cannot speak his own language.

Pete was adopted by U.S. troops when he was 4 and has lived in the U.S. Army life since. The youngster is now "stationed" with Detachment "D" of the Korean Military Advisory Group near the ROK V Corps.

No Last Name

Pete has no last name, remembers nothing of his Korean parents. He assumes they were killed during the war. At 4, he was adopted by Co. "C" of the 519th M.P. Bn. in 1950 in Seoul. After a year he went to B. Hq. at Chung Ju, Korea. When the battalion moved to Japan this year, Pete joined a detachment of Co. "B", 519th, at Choun Jon, Korea. Soon that detachment left Korea, too, and Pete came to this KMAG post high in the Korean hills near the DMZ.

Probably the Army's youngest sergeant, Pete earned his stripes three years ago; ("I want to stay an enlisted man - never an officer.") His crisp, military "Good morning, sir." And his snappy salutes win praise from Col. Harold A. Vaezey, KMAG commander here. "Pete is wide-awake and sharp as tacks."

If the Americans have adopted Pete, he has equally adopted them. His greatest dream is to go to the U.S. and study to become "either a doctor or scientist - I haven't made up my mind."

S&S Photo by Pvt. Al Ternes Photo caption: M/SGT. Pete of KMAG Detachment "D" "Wide-awake And Sharp As Tacks"




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