Pacific Stars and Stripes,
Jan. 18, 1952
WITH IX CORPS- An avalanche
of clothing, shoes and toys, is reaching a Korean orphanage through
the efforts of two helicopter pilots.
It was last October that Capt. Dayton L. Warren,
Denton, Tex., ferrying wounded from a frontline surgical hospital
to an air evacuation strip, first heard of the orphanage. A visit
to the institution, during which he witnessed the pathetic scene of
homeless, ill-clothed children, made sufficient impact on him to demand
that he assist in some way.
IN A LETTER TO his wife, Mita, he outlined a plan
to procure unused but still serviceable wearing apparel from civic
groups, churches and individuals. Soon a steady flow of clothing and
toys was enroute to provide warmth and happiness for the youngsters.
The bundles from the States were delivered by
helicopter and Captain Warren's arrival was always a great occasion
at the orphanage.
LAST WEEK Warren rotated to the States. Before
leaving, however, he interested another 'copter pilot in the project
who has taken over. Lt. A.R. Breedlove, Yakima, Wash., has already
contacted his wife, who through a story in the local newspaper, has
begun creating interest in the orphanage locally.
In addition, publicity concerning the pilot's
work has reached other sections of the country and the orphanage has
been "adopted" by a girl scout troop in Houston, Tex.