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Pacific Stars & Stripes, May 12, 1952 

Korean Kids Line Panmunjom Road 

PANMUNJOM (INS)-  The Allied candy convoy is Korea is operating at full blast and children near Panmunjom love it. 

The word about the lavish gifts of candy apparently is spreading more and more widely around Panmunjom.  Each day more and more children appear along the road leading from the Allied truce camp at Munsan to claim their share. 

The candy is tossed from the convoy carrying Allied correspondents and delegation staff personnel to the armistice conference site each day. 

CIVILIANS HAVE been cleared away from most of the area along the Allied frontlines, and for much of the trip from Munsan, only soldiers are visible along the roadside. 

But in the area of no man's land in front of the main Allied line, the children congregate, shouting for candy. 

In the past roughly 25 to 40 "regulars" awaited the Allied convoy daily. 

But in the past week the number has shot up, until over 100 Korean children, in makeshift clothes, line up along the road as the convoy drives toward Panmunjom in the morning and returns to Munsan in late afternoon. 




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