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Pacific Stars & Stripes, March 27, 1953

Korea Boy's Town Opens Through 5th RCT's Gift

With 5th RCT, Mar. 27- An idea for a Boy's town in Korea became a reality March 10 when a delegation, led by Lt. Col. W. P. Knowles, representing Col. H. H. Fischer, 5th Regimental Combat Team commander, presented a check for $18,000 to Dr. D. W. Hyun, general secretary of the YMCA, in Seoul.

Boy's Town, Korea, is the counterpart of the late Father Flanagan's famous Boy's Town in Nebraska. In December, 1952, preliminaries were set into motion by Col. Leo L. Alfred, then 5th commanding officer.

In January the ground work was laid and a fund-raising drive was initiated. Original plans called for $6,000 by March with a final payment in June.

Interest in the Project spread rapidly and shortly after the drive began, the goal of $18,000 was collected, allowing for the completion of the project at an early date.

The drive boasted a surplus used for a memorial plaque, which has been imbedded in a block of granite at the site of Boy's Town.

A party of representatives journeyed from the 5th to Seoul Mar. 9 to present the money to the YMCA directors, who will act as administrators. During a ceremony, Dr. Hyun expressed the thanks of the Korean people for the opportunity offered the homeless boys of Seoul.

Boy's Town, located on an island on the Han river, is presently operating with two structures housing 35 boys. Construction on the 10 remaining buildings will be completed in June. These facilities will be completed in June. These facilities will house 165 additional youngsters.

As Boy's Town grows, it will become self-supporting through products grown on its farmlands and manufactured in its shops. By August, 1954, it will be self-supporting.




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