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Pacific Stars and Stripes, Feb. 1, 1953

Mrs. Clark Joins In Korean Envoy's Plea For Orphans

NEW YORK, Feb. 1 (UP)- You Chan Yang, Korean ambassador to the United States, said yesterday 30 per cent of the South Korean population has tuberculosis.

Yang spoke in opening a national appeal for 50,000 blankets for freezing Korean orphans.

CLARE BOOTH LUCE, playwright and former congresswoman, joined in launching the appeal. She read a cable from Mrs. Mark Clark, wife of the Far East commander, stressing an"urgent need for blankets" for orphans "living in unheated buildings in bitter cold weather."

Yang said as a result of the Communist aggression in Korea "55 cities and 12,000 villages have been completely destroyed and over 10,000 of our children, innocent victims of this aggression, have been made orphans."

The appeal is being made by the "Save the Children Federation," which has been active since 1932 in the U.S. and abroad.

Mrs. Clark's cable appealed for blankets for both Korean and Japanses orphans but both Mrs. Luce and Yang omitted mention of Japanese in their statements.




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