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Pacific Stars and Stripes, Dec. 7, 1952

7th Div Contributes For Korean School

WITH U.S. 7TH DIV, Dec. 7- Ground was broken recently in Pochon by Maj. Gen. Wayne G. Smith, commanding general of the 7th Division, for the 7th Division Memorial school, a project being financed by contributions from the men of the Bayonet Division.

Smith shoveled the first bit of earth as wine was poured on the ground, in accordance with a Korean custom, which holds that evil spirits will thus be confused.

THE LARGEST of three school buildings, containing 12 classrooms and designed by Koreans, will be completed on the site of the ceremonies about Feb. 1, Maj. Emerson C. Heinz, division civil affairs officer said.

Two other schools, each containing six rooms, are also being constructed in townships in the Pochon area.

Collections were made at November pay tables throughout the division. The funds will be used to buy educational aids, blackboards, books, musical instruments, and other school equipment for the primary schools.




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