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Pacific Stars and Stripes, Dec. 14, 1952

I Corps Group Aids Orphans With Duds, Food, Improvements

WITH I CORPS, Dec. 14- An I Corps colonel and sergeant, aiding their favorite orphanage, hit the jackpot with 1,000 pounds of clothes.

M/Sgt. D.J. Thomas, Headquarters, I Corps PIO, wrote his mother in Houtzdele, Pa., about the plight of the poverty stricken children. Her minister asked for offerings at church, and the immediate result was four boxes of clothes and one box of shoes.

WHEN L/T. COL. James B. Chubbuck, commanding officer of I Corps' 1169th Engineer Combat Group, heard about the orphans' needs, he wrote his wife for clothes. Mrs. Chubbuck, Little Falls, N.Y., added four more boxes to the growing pile. All the clothing was distributed last week.

Six months ago a group of NCOs from I Corps Headquarters decided to help the Do Bong orphanage youngsters, who live in the bomb-scarred remains of a 300-year-old summer palace of a former Korean king.

THEY HAVE from time to time supplemented the orphans' daily ration of rise and barley by purchasing dried fish, fresh vegetables, and staples. They paid for this out of their own pockets.

One sergeant, who wishes to remain anonymous, spent $100 to better the living conditions of the children.




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