Pacific Stars &
Stripes, Dec. 31, 1952
CAMP GORDON, Ga., Dec. 31- The 304th Signal Operations
Battalion in Korea recently appealed to their brother signalmen here
for Christmas gifts for Korean children at the Hai Myung orphanage.
Before you could say Santa Claus, here's what happened:
The Signal Corps Training Center collected 1,600 clothing articles
and toys from Camp Gordon personnel and residents of nearby Augusta,
Ga. Through Mrs. Mami Eisenhower, SCTC received hundreds of toys,
many bearing the "I Like Ike' label.
"OPERATION SANTA CLAUS" went into full
swing after the gift campaign. It's purpose: to raise $6,000 at SCTC
to purchase further goods for the orphans at Hai Myung. Gifts for
the orphans came from all over. One clothing manufacturer from Lebanon,
Pa., a reserve colonel and former SCTC comptroller, sent $300 worth
of jackets.
Collection boxes were put in six August department
stores. The items included fur-lined coats, dresses, shoes, hats,
shirts, baseball bats, drums, toy guns, and dolls.