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Pacific Stars and Stripes, Dec. 25, 1952

Transport Pilots 'Bomb' Korean Isle With Candy

COMBAT CARGO, Korea, Dec. 25- Youngsters on a tiny island off the Korean coast, who have never seen an American serviceman, received an airdropped Christmas present from the United States Air Force.

"We've been collecting candy bars for several months," said 1st Lt. Don Davis, Natchez, Miss., pilot of a Kyushu Gypsy (Combat Cargo)C-47 Skytrain.

"We fly a lot of missions delivering supplies and personnel to friendly troops on islands off the Korean coast. We always fly low over this one tiny and isolated island. We see the kids come out and wave at us, and we rock our wings in return. We feel now that we know them personally-and we wanted to bring Christmas to them, even if in a small way."

SO APPROXIMATELY 100 pounds of candy bars were dropped to them on Christmas eve in a parachute container normally used to deliver mail.

"We circled the island twice and attracted plenty of attention because we'd never done this before," said 1st Lt. Edward H. Osmon, Akron, Ohio, the co-pilot. "Then we heaved out the parachute-borne candy containers and watched them drift down to the waiting tots. It landed near the village, so we know they got their Christmas presents in good shape."

On each box of candy was a brief message in Korean, saying, "Merry Christmas from the Kyushu Gypsies."

The C-47 was on a routine supply mission, delivering two and one-half tons of supplies to troops on another island.




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