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Pacific Stars and Stripes, Dec. 15, 1952

Marines Forfeit Telephone Calls To Help Orphans

WITH 1ST MARINE DIV., Dec. 15 (UP)- Marines last week gave up free telephone calls home for Christmas with the suggestion, "give the money to the kids."

So George Sisler, reporter for the Memphis Commercial-Appeal, did just that.

SISLER ARRIVED in the Marine sector with $400 donated for telephone calls by the Memphis chapter of the American Red Cross.

The marines approached by Sisler were enthusiastic about the idea of making a Christmas call, but on second thought they unanimously suggested giving the money to orphans in Korea.

Sisler figured up what it would have cost marines he queried to make the calls and entrusted the amount to the public information officer for Christmas delivery to the orphans of Korea.

THE REST OF the money Sisler will use to offer free telephone calls to the United States by soldiers.

Since the marines have been in Korea the support of orphanages has been their "number one" project-next to fighting.




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