Pacific Stars & Stripes, Nov. 24, 1953
HQ U.S. 24TH DIV., Korea, Nov. 14- When the mission
of Operation Good Will is accomplished on Christmas Day, thousands
of needy Koreans and Japanese at a hospital in Sendai, Japan will
be happier, healthier and warmer.
A series of visits to orphanages in Korea cinched
the operation's success soon after it began early this fall, directed
by division Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Ivan C. Whipple, Columbia, S.C.
Separate Drives Conducted
While the 24th was on security duty in Japan, separate
units conducted drives, aiding needy groups in their areas.
In Korea, the program became division-wide and joined the KComZ plan
for Operation Good Will.
Many of the gifts of food, toys, books and clothing
have already been distributed. But one of the largest single
phases of the program and the most unique will not be completed until
early January.
Rice Bowls Made
Members of the regiment contributed $3,494.65 to
have the bowls, shoes and clothing made. A major part of the
sum was donated by the 1st Bn. Directed by Chaplain Martinus E. Silseth,
Minneapolis, Min.
Special Troops of the division raised $366.20 for
the purchase of Thanksgiving and Christmas gifts for the orphans.
Chaplain Whipple said that 200 pounds of clothing and 700 pounds of
food-stuffs, toys and books had already been distributed.