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Pacific Stars and Stripes, Nov. 22, 1953

Square & Compass Club Plans Gifts for Orphans

WITH 8TH FIGHTER BOMBER WING, Korea, Nov. 22 (Pac. S&S)- Yuletide plans for the distribution of Christmas presents to 260 needy children of a nearby orphanage are presently drawn up here by members of the local Square and Compass Club.

The organization already has purchased more than $150 worth of toys, games and dolls for the tots. In addition, 160 blankets will be donated.

Candy and gum, pencils for school work and other group gifts have been ordered.

The Square and Compass Club orphanage committee is headed by Maj. Gen. John Sleeper, Jr., Elm Mott, Tex., adjutant of the 8th Fighter-Bomber Wing.






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