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Pacific Stars & Stripes, Dec. 1, 1953

100,000 Pounds of Clothes Boost 5th AF 'Christmas Call'

SEOUL, Dec. 1- The Fifth Air Force announced yesterday that it had collected $30,000 and about 100,000 pounds of clothing in voluntary contributions to its Operation Christmas Call.

In addition, it said it has made arrangements under the operation to clothe, feed and distribute toys to youngsters from more than 70 orphanages in South Korea.

The $30,000 came from Fifth Air Force personnel, while the clothing was donated by individuals and organizations in the U.S.

Since the full impact of the campaign will not be reached until next week, it is believed that consolidated gains at Christmas will overshadow present figures.

The drive got under way in October spearheaded by individual Fifth Air force units who enlisted the support of friends in the U.S.

The main effort will be aimed at orphanages, but some outfits have aided other areas in an effort to provide maximum support for the poor and destitute at Christmas time.

The 3rd Bomb Wing searched its area for children of war widows and the 8th Fighter-Bomber Wing marked a leper colony as one of its main targets for Christmas distributions.

The Korean employees who provide housekeeping support for Fifth Air Force will also be remembered with practical gifts going to houseboys, house girls and others.

Many items of practical value will be on the gift list.  The chaplain's fund will provide sewing machines for orphanages, about 1,500 yards of corduroy from the 4th Fighter-Interceptor Wing and 4,200 yards of flannel from the 67th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing will provide many youngsters with winter clothes. Combat Cargo's planes will help in the operation.  Those returning empty from Japan will carry items that cannot be bought in Korea.






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