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Pacific Stars and Stripes, Jan. 11, 1954

KMAG Funds Aid Orphans

TAEGU, Korea, Jan. 11- The Kyung Buk Orphanage to date has received approximately $1,200 and the first of four new buildings-a dormitory-for its 37 Korean orphans from men of the Korean Military Advisory Group, it was announced today.

Lt. Col. Emil A. Zund, senior advisor to ROK Army chaplains, spring the original aid project by requesting donations of clothing from families and friends of KMAG personnel. The heavy response to the early phase back in June, 1953 clothed the orphans and cash donations helped pay the food bills.

The housing project was launched to relieve the plight of the youngsters living in the crowed filth of two back rooms in a run-down Buddhist temple.

Materials were salvaged from an abandoned prisoner of war compound and hired labor converted the wood and steel from Quonsets into the heated building.

The remaining three units-another dormitory with kitchen and dining hall-will be constructed through the cooperation of the Korean Civil Assistance Command. The ROK Army will supply the labor.






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