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Pacific Stars and Stripes, Jan. 6, 1954

AF ROK Aid Tops $250,000

SEOUL, Jan. 6- Armed Forces Aid to Korea projects now underway or being considered by units of Fifth Air Force yesterday were valued at more than $250,000 by Lt. Col. Randall Jacobs, Jr., AFAK project officer.

Of the 46 projects sponsored by the Fifth, 30 are for new construction or rehabilitation of Korean schools and orphanages, seven for hospitals and four for churches.

Reconstruction of a government building, three bridges and culverts and equipment for an irrigation system complete the list.

The two largest projects, scheduled by the 3rd Bomb Wing, provide for building supplies valued at $40,000 for rehabilitation of the Kaejon Rural Central Hospital and another $40,000 in medical supplies and equipment for the hospital.






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