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Pacific Stars and Stripes, Dec. 31 1958

Texas Students Send Clothes to ROK Waifs

SEOUL (UNC/USK/8A)- Texas school children sent a gift package of clothing recently to a Korean orphanage founded by an Air Force Colonel to square a debt with his conscience.

The clothes from the students of Waco High School, went first to Republic of Korea President Syngman Rhee at his presidential mansion, then to the orphan's home of Korea, founded by Col. Dean E. Hess.

Col. Hess, in his best-selling biography "Battle Hymn" related how he accidentally torched a German orphanage in World War II and was driven by his conscience to the ministry.

He re-entered the Air Force to train fledgling ROK Fighter Pilots during the Korean conflict, the book related, opened the orphan's home, and once helped save refugee children caught in the path of landing communists.

The clothing was taken to the Presidential mansion at Kyung Mu Dai by Lieutenant Gen. Robert H. Lee, United Nations Command Chief of staff from Montgomery, AL., and Capt. Robert M. Krone, his aide, from Las Vegas, NV.

With it was a letter to President Rhee from Miss Diane Scot Wilson, of the High School's Service Girl's League, telling how they had chosen the orphanage as a project after hearing Col. Hess speak at the school.

The orphanage, operated by Mrs. On Soon Whang, at Chung Yan-ri, is supported by a trust fund, the Christian Children's Fund, and a portion of the proceeds from the sale of Col. Hess book.






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