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transparent.gif (42 bytes)December 10, 1962

Sgt. Richard C. Whited, communications chief, Hq. Btry., 77th Arty., clasps hands with 2 of 10 Korean Sea Scouts the unit “adopted” after learning they had not eaten for two days. The two youths are Moon Sung Wong (left) and Yan Tae Son. (USA Photo)

Cav. Unit Adopts ROK Sea Scouts

HQ., U.S. 1ST CAV. DIV., Korea (IO)—The officers and men of Hq. Btry., 1st Howitzer Bn., 77th Arty., 1st Cav. Div., responded to the pleas of 10 Korean Sea Scouts who had not eaten for two days and who needed building equipment to strengthen their crumbling living accommodations.
Sea Scout Master Yun Tae Son, 19, approached Capt. Edward C. Hackney, commanding officer of Hq. Btry., and asked if he and his nine Sea Scout friends could help around the battery doing odd jobs to earn money to buy rice. Hackney learned the youths hadn’t eaten for two days. The Sea Scouts, all orphans, usually shined shoes in the village of Sonya-ri, where they got meager earnings, but now they all were completely without funds.

An emergency drive was started at Camp Pelham by Hackney and enough money was swiftly contributed for the purchase of several bags of rice and pots full of kimchi. The men of the 77th Arty. decided to help the Sea Scouts and immediately sponsored them to give the youths as much assistance as possible. Wooden beams and bags of cement were obtained and the youths rapidly applied them to their crumbling living accommodations.

A committee organized to assist the youth is composed of Sgt. Richard C. Whited—who has helped the youths winterize their home—PFC Alan R. McQuade, Sgt. Ronald E. Hance, PFC Donald R. Ledtter and PFC Daniel A. DiPenti.


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