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Pacific Stars and Stripes, October 8, 1953

Cash Prizes Go To Thunderbird Aid-Drive Winners

HQ. U.S. 45TH DIV., Korea, Cot. 8 (Pac. S&S) - More than $300 in cash prizes and nine extra R&R leaves to Japan will be awarded winners of the 45th (Thunderbird) Division's orphans' fund drive which ended yesterday.  Winning tickets will be drawn at a commanders' conference Friday by Maj. Gen. P.D. Ginder, division commander.  Eight enlisted men and two officers holding winning stubs will each receive a cash award of $300, and an extra seven day R&R leave to either Tokyo, Kokura or Osaka, depending upon his choice. In addition, one man from the team that raised the most money during the drive will get an R&R and $300.


One of the orphans' homes to benefit by the 45th Division's fund drive is located on Cheju Island, where 279th Infantry Regiment troops were stationed earlier this year.  The island is inhabited by some 750 Korean children between 2 and 17 who were orphaned by the war.  Ginder first conceived the idea of making the home a Thunderbird project after the 179th made initial contributions.


Maj. , assistant chief of staff and chairman of the drive, said the orphans on Cheju are now living in tents and in the island's agricultural high school building.  The first aim of the drive, he said, was to provide permanent housing for the children.  He cited their need for winter clothing, more food and winter quarters as the biggest problem.




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