Stars and Stripes, Dec. 9, 1953
SEOUL, Dec. 9 - Thanks to an appeal made by
an American in Korea through a Cincinnati, Oh. columnist, a steady stream
of packages and letters containing donations for the Korean Orphans
Christmas Fund is pouring into Eighth Army headquarters. Col. Charles
R. Rain began receiving the donations from the States a few days ago.
The letters said they were answering an appeal made by one Bud Chase,
stationed somewhere in Korea.
Since there are many persons named Chase and since
"Bud" is probably a nickname, the Army's attempt to discover the right
soldier is presently at a standstill. But the fact that more than $200
and 23 packages of clothing have been received thus far indicates that
Chase and his newspaper buddy have made a hit with the people back home.
The Eighth Army Public Information Office, as well
as the Armed Forces Korean Radio Network station "Vagabond," is still
trying to locate Bud. They want to know if he wants any particular
group of orphans to be the recipients of the goods. If no contact is
made, they say, "We will eventually add the contributions to the overall
Eighth Army Christmas Fund for Korean orphans."