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transparent.gif (42 bytes)Pacific Stars and Stripes, December 16, 1953 

Rail Units Aid Korean Orphans

HQ. 3RD TMRS, Korea, Dec. 16 - "Giving enough and on time" is the slogan adopted by the 3rd Trans. Military Railway Service and all its units throughout Korea in aiding the Armed Forces Assistance to Korea program.

Contributions totaling $4,000 to the 712th Trans. Bn. Railway Operating Chaplains' Fund during the past year has enabled the organization to help support several institutions, including the Columbian Fathers Sacred Heart Home for Boys, Star of the Sea Orphanage, the Holy Mother Orphanage, Saint Lazarus Leper Colony and Samil Methodist Orphanage. The 712th also contributed 2,500 pounds of clothing during the past month to the Columbian Children's Home.

At Taegu, the 772nd MP Bn., which helps support the Ae Yang Orphanage, has contributed $965 to support the institution.

In Pusan, the 765th Trans. Railway Shou Bn. assisted in the repair and rebuilding of the ROK Army Hospital and also installed 400 panes of glass in the building.  The group also repaired and repainted the Holy People's Home which cares for 56 orphans. 

Hq. Co. of the 3rd TMRS constructed temporary classrooms at the Yongsan High School.  The company had previously helped repair the main buildings.



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