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Pacific Stars and Stripes, October 21, 1953

Cpl. Seeks Funds To Educate Little Korean Friend, 7

WITH 3D INF. DIV., Korea - A little Korean orphan girl looks forward every weekend to a visit from her new American friend, Cpl. Donald A. Pierce, division photo lab.  Pierce met the little girl, Yong Ja, 7, while on a weekend pass in Seoul City. "She was embarrassed," he said, "and when I bought her some candy and a coat, she thanked me and then ran away."


But Yong Ja returned to present Pierce with a ring, a picture frame, a set of chevrons-and a heart winning smile.  The friendship grew, and each weekend the soldier could spend in Seoul he visited Yong Ja.  Arm in arm with all her playmates, the corporal often took the children to Korean plays, movies and ballets.


THROUGHOUT the plays, the children insisted on fanning him with small fans.


Pierce wrote to his mother about Yong Ja, and she and neighboring families sent the orphan packages of clothes.  More clothes have been ordered from a mail order company, and Pierce is trying to raise enough money for Yong Ja's education.



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