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Pacific Stars and Stripes, September 21, 1953

8 Year Old Korean Waif Rebuffs Strategists, Storms

Pusan Port

By PFC William Bullivant



KOREAN BASE SECTION, Pusan, Korea, Sept. 21 - Susie Q, an 8 year old Korean orphan, has accomplished what most military strategists would claim impossible - she took Pusan Army Port by storm.  The brown-eyed, pigtailed imp began her campaign by allowing Col. Ralph B. Garretson, San Antonio, Tex., port commander, to find her asleep in a jeep packed on Pier 1.


AFTER THAT, things came easy.  While Garretson was making arrangements for her future, Susie Q was busy winning friends in the staff sections at Port headquarters.  She hammered on typewriters and delved into the contents of filing cabinets with the finesse of a private secretary.  The variety and intensity of her studies could have won her a dozen MOSs.

The judge advocate and the Navy's Military Sea Transportation Service capitulated within a matter of minutes.  The entire port fell in two days.


THE "BARGE HOTEL" provided showers and meals for the little waif and practically every female employee of the port chipped in with suggestions on her hairdo, makeup and skirt length.  Now, Susie has new friends to conquer.  She is living at the Chong Duk Won orphanage on tiny Ka Duk Island 20 miles south of Pusan.  She was taken there by a party of port officers and enlisted men who have adopted the 130 "babysan" of Chong Duk Won in the name of the entire installation.  In the future, Susie will be kept busy learning to integrate her American slang and soldier's ways with the customs and speech of her little Korean companions.  Can she do it?  In her own words, "Ya better believe it."




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